……………….to Sheffield Wildlife Trust!!!
They thought it would never happen but I genuinely mean it. Thank you, thank you SWT for keeping the sheep, the woolly mowers, off the pasture land for the last few weeks. It has been a pleasure to walk where there have been no livestock indignantly staring at you as if to question your right to enter their compound. It has felt as if the place was genuinely for me and others in the way that Alderman Graves intended it when he designated it a public open space. Of course some might argue that sheep are part of the public too, after all they vote in elections for unsuitable candidates the way they always have and they ring premium rate numbers when TV presenters tell them to. Their independence of thought can rival that of many species. And anyway are there no such things as animal rights?
They thought it would never happen but I genuinely mean it. Thank you, thank you SWT for keeping the sheep, the woolly mowers, off the pasture land for the last few weeks. It has been a pleasure to walk where there have been no livestock indignantly staring at you as if to question your right to enter their compound. It has felt as if the place was genuinely for me and others in the way that Alderman Graves intended it when he designated it a public open space. Of course some might argue that sheep are part of the public too, after all they vote in elections for unsuitable candidates the way they always have and they ring premium rate numbers when TV presenters tell them to. Their independence of thought can rival that of many species. And anyway are there no such things as animal rights?
But this is churlish. Profuse thanks to SWT for this. Just one thing. Could you please also keep the aforesaid woollies off the land later on in September and October. The mushroom harvest will be at its height then and sheep droppings are most unappetising alongside the edible fungi.
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