Saturday 21 May 2011

Just Perfect

There can be no short stroll in the district as lovely as that from the Blacka entrance at Shorts Lane to the stepping stones at this time of year. This should be a listed feature and given credit for much more value than many a SSSI. It's doubly fortunate that it starts as we go past the new plaque celebrating J G Graves' gift of the site to the people.

An early morning walk in May with the sun penetrating as and when it can past a noisy stream on the left and warblers singing to the right - and these are only the first ingredients. Cow parsley really should be bordering the road to paradise.
And the bluebells have a starring role not just for what they are but for the way they position themselves artistically at odd points on the banks.

Blacka has few ash trees but here there is a fine one by the stream next to many alders.
Down here this morning we were avoiding the SWT 'dawn chorus' walk up on the higher treeless parts - something of a misnomer usually and the stiff breeze up above would not have helped while we were sheltered and able to enjoy blackbirds, thrushes, robins and warblers all to ourselves.

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