Saturday, 18 February 2012


Woodland management gets grants from organisations such as Natural England and the Forestry Commission. This is part of the system of managing our countryside that keeps the wildlife and conservation charities going. If we didn't do this they will say everything would go wrong. We managers are necessary. Nature can't be trusted. One such example on Blacka is called 'glade creation'. In this spot quite a bit of creativity has been applied. There was a quite natural glade here in the first place. Then along came the chain saw operators grant funded and cut down various small trees leaving piles of branches around.

Now if anyone doubts that such management is necessary some time in the future they can point to the evidence of past management that has been essential.

Meanwhile a hundred yards further on is a small glade entirely naturally created. It has character.

And no piles of branches.

Trees have fallen creating, naturally, diversity and spaces valued by wildlife. And the value of dead fallen wood is greater than that of piles built from humans.

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