Friday, 6 July 2012

50 Shades of Conservation Grazing

A new publication specially for fans of conservation grazing, in particular Sheffield Wildlife Trust:

50 Shades of Grey Brown.   There's a lot of green about what with all the rain we've had. But SWT have sent in their troops to remedy that undesirable situation. I've even seen them referred to as 'eco-warriors' by the hypers of the conservation industry. Anyway the thing is that we mustn't have too much green about. It designates the place as being in 'unfavourable condition'.

So bring them on because what goes in green comes out brown and there's no better indication that a place is in 'unfavourable recovering condition' than that there's lots of brown about. This post only shows the first tranch of the 50 but space is limited (even on Blacka Moor).

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