Friday, 22 February 2013

Animals and Human Mindsets

When I get the time I read the papers on the web. Most titles offer their own brands of entertaining hypocrisy and mixed messages. Anyone who looks at this blog for pictures of deer may enjoy the following links on The Daily Telegraph. The first one is a column from someone expressing a view that country people don't like the idea of eating horse meat because they feel the horse is a noble creature.

The second article from the same paper is telling us that all women should shoot a stag and then eat it. Not the same person of course but I wonder which people in the 'farming community' would have nodded in agreement at the first and then found themselves agreeing with the second? If a horse is too dignified to eat, how would you describe a stag?

I can think of at least one person from the local wildlife trust who would probably have no difficulty in reconciling these two positions.

I suppose it would be expected for the Grauniad to be different. And so it is.

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