Saturday, 22 March 2014

Better Places

In these woods you are able to get away from the signs of management that intrude elsewhere, though never as far from barbed wire as we would like. To walk where there's been no human input for many years is a treat not valued enough in our manager dominated countryside.

On a morning of cold winds from the west it's good to get into woods that slope towards the east and the bright March sun gets further in than in coming months.

It's not always easy walking but deer tracks have made a difference. If you're aware of bramble snares and don't snap the twigs with your heavy boots you may see them as we did this morning. A fox also shot ahead and ran off quickly; he looked a fine beast, large with thick red coat.

Honeysuckle is now making fast progress before the canopy darkens the floor. The cultivated varieties need thin twigs to help them climb and that's usually true of the native wild kind. But one was trying another method, using the flaky bark of larch.

1 comment:

Deshima said...

You'll get in mighty trouble with SWT for not sticking to the designated paths!