Tuesday, 18 March 2014

S.S.S.I. 'Science' before Amenity

Time to get rid of designations like SSSI if this is anything to go by. The rule should be "If it looks crap it most likely is crap". Science does not figure in it at all. Giving landowners grants to keep land looking like this is beyond being simply flawed. It's either crazy or corrupt.

If you turn your back on natural beauty to draw down grants that are conditional on making the place look like this then for God's sake don't call it a Nature Reserve or that's an offence against the language itself. In some places the managers claim to be dealing with a litter problem. Here they are consciously causing it.

You don't need to have an advanced mental age to work out what's going to happen to these bagged mineral licks that are left on the grassy slopes for the sheep. 

(previously in this post)

My own bag is already full of litter so can't remove these as well. Anyway it's probably an offence of damaging an SSSI to take them away. They are essential features that define the unique value of the land to the landowners and the bureaucrats who support them. I can hear them talking now.

"My God, there are people out there who think the place should look nice. What's wrong with them? We must put more of their money into education and show them that this is part of the economy and remind them you can't make money without making a mess".

This bag contained pheasant feed. It's possible the trust is collaborating with the shooting lobby, the equivalent of NRA. Unless they are desperately trying to attract those ground nesting birds they are obsessed with.


Deshima said...

Neil, I posted a link to this post on SWT facebook page yesterday and surprise surprise they took it down so I've done it again today. Who are these people. J G Graves must be turning in his grave!

Neil said...

I've been informed that your second attempt to post the link is still there at the time of writing. But it does confirm what we've known all along: that the trust's highest priority is massaging their own public image. Actually doing a good job is nowhere in comparison. The key staff member is not the reserve manager or even the Chief Executive, but the Communications and Publicity Manager.
This charity has many of the characteristics of a totalitarian state.