Wednesday 28 March 2007

A Thing of Rare Beauty

This inspiring structure is one of Sheffield Wildlife Trust's numerous successful projects on Blacka Moor. It is positioned so as to be perfectly visible from various points and regular visitors can hardly contain themselves in their rush to renew acquaintance with its charms after even a short absence.
It's name tends to change with the whim of the beholder, but I currently call it the compost shrine. Because SWT's original purpose for it, before it became a monument in its own right, was as a composting facility.

The observant will have seen that there is a notice pinned to one of the uprights. Here the plot thickens because this is our first real introduction to a desperate struggle which is being waged between the Philistines (SWT) and the regular visitors.

Notices have begun to appear pinned to the wooden structure declaring discontent with what the managers are doing and about to do. No sooner do they go up than they are torn down which is odd because experience suggests that SWT rarely visit the site, being largely content to go about their business at workstations in their smart HQ; but perhaps the fine spring weather has drawn them away from their desks.

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