Thursday 31 January 2008

Lying on a Bed of Bracken

Impossible to be 100% certain of course but I'm fairly confident this is the young deer previously seen in a family group with the hind and stag, the one assumed to have been born on Blacka last year. I've not seen hind or fawn for 6 weeks or so before today having been used to seeing them almost daily.

As I watched it moved away from the trees where it was browsing and walked into the sun soaked bracken well sheltered from a cruel wind from the north west and lay down.

For some reason this was very touching. Seeing a young animal, no longer under the protection of older beasts, alone and making its own way emphasised the vulnerability of wild creatures.

The nearby barbed wire fence installed three years ago was supposed to become invisible and non intrusive to the views by now; it obstinately refuses to hide and remains an eyesore:

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