Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Wild and Beautiful

Each Spring I fancy it's my favourite season and most Autumns I change my mind. But the first hour of daylight this morning has surely never been as lovely as this. The tree and bracken colours lit up by the rising sun along with frost on the ground produced conditions for a visual treat. Even the swamp of Cowsick was suffused in special lighting.

And when we found two stags on Blacka Hill the scene was complete.

Both were quite big but one was more upstanding and alert than the other who looked older (and a touch more weary).

As previously when stags have been seen during the rutting season there was only a little feeding observed. Not far away the two hinds were definitely 'in tow'.

Whenever I've found hinds on Blacka there have been two with one that much larger than the other, almost leading to the thought that the one is the offspring of the other, but apparently the same two were seen in the summer. The vegetation of the Lee Valley where they spend much time makes it hard to explore in July and August so once more we've had no chance of looking for calves. Annoying though this is for potential explorers and photographers there's no doubt that these secret places help to give Blacka its special character.

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