Saturday, 14 February 2009

Winter Feeding

Our robin returned this morning and soon settled down to cheddar and suet. We can only assume that his resourcefulness sent him far and wide in search of food in times of scarcity. It's a kind of initiative, like his confidence and curiosity, that serves the robin well. The deer and other wild animals will also have been going well beyond their usual haunts. Not a choice open to the hardy creatures fenced in to the pastures who just have to cope as well as they can.

Perhaps the grazier will have been down to leave some supplementary food although no sign of vehicle tracks. Still even farmers have been known to walk occasionally. And there are various nutritional licks scattered around in containers.

Witches Broom is birch's Christmas Tree bauble. It is caused by a fungus usually introduced by a tiny mite. The effect is similar to the oak apple, but instead of the woody ball the birch sends out a cluster of small twiggy branches.

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