Central to our demand of SWT is that they abandon their addiction to desk jobs and have one well remunerated and well skilled site worker.
The reality of how conservation management works is enough to make one believe that we are living in a crazy world of self referencing madhouses all compelled to produce paperwork rather than real work. On my regular walk today I got to thinking of the number of different bureaucracies that had been involved in the management of Blacka Moor, most of which we've tried to contact in order to try to get to the truth (sad deluded people as we are).
First there is Sheffield City Council. Then Sheffield Wildlife Trust. Then English Nature which transformed into Natural England. I think that's four. Also there's DEFRA and the Rural Payments Agency. There is also the Charity Commission and the Heritage Lottery Fund. I'm sure anyone working in any of these bureaucracies would be able to point out others that I've missed. But so far that's eight.
I'll come back to this if I think of any more. I'm sure there must be something European in there somewhere.
Several years ago some of us questioned the motivation of those who want to 'manage' the land. "It's always been managed," they said, "like all of the English countryside." ..... What? From remote desks in offices by pale managers writing management plans?