Friday, 24 July 2009

The Nimbys and the Inbys

Beware those who sneer at "Nimbys". They are those who don't like local people having any kind of say in the future of their area. The term is often linked with the phrase 'middle class' despite the fact that the people who use it are often much better off than most of us because they are the people who stand to profit by the exploitation of resources in an area. I am an INBY and unashamed. I believe that wind farms and airports and quarries and polluting industries should be In Nobody's Back Yard. Those who speak against 'nimbys' have motives which need to be exposed. The chair of Unnatural England is one of these. She has a huge salary and keeps it because, despite being supposedly independent, she does the work of those in government and the industrialists who woo them. Today's report says that the CEO of Natural England considers that wind farms could be acceptable in Britain's National Parks. Let nobody be in any doubt. Wind Farms are big money spinners for those who invest in them. Any idea that they will replace other forms of energy is very dubious. The growth in the use of energy will continue to increase but those who use the extra energy will just feel less guilty about it. Meanwhile our landscape will become more and more industrialised.

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