Thursday 6 August 2009


It's an aim of Friends of Blacka Moor to achieve the removal of blemishes to the landscape which diminish the appeal of a largely natural landscape. There is, in theory at least, some money available though many hurdles to get over before we can be rid of the power lines that cross the site. Which site in the National Park should be at the top of the list? Where would the undergrounded cables go? How much would it cost? And perhaps most important of all will the power company cooperate?

Being who I am I suppose you would expect me to believe that Blacka should be the highest priority. But then I know of several places which would be enhanced by the removal of power lines like this. Most of these are unlike Blacka in this respect: they are already landscapes obviously more affected by and inhabited by people, where vehicles are used and man-made artefacts are part of the view. Here the impact of the industrial intrusion is greater and more surprising. That is central to the persuasive case we must make.

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