Wednesday 17 February 2010

Back Yards

A few words in response to one of the MTB commenters. This fellow calls me a NIMBY, one of the more repeatable of the insults thrown at me by these polite OTMs. Now I’ve always believed that people should care for their immediate area and places they know well. In fact I would call it a duty. Should anyone plan to build an airport with its boundary fence at the top of my road why should I wait for people in Aberdeen or Bangkok to protest first? The problem with the worst nimby attitude is when people don’t want certain developments in their own area but are quite sanguine about them happening in somebody else’s back yard. Well should this happen my conscience is clear. I don’t travel by air and don’t support airports anywhere. So I’m an INBY (in nobody’s back yard) not a nimby in that respect. And I think I’m pretty consistent on other matters too though well short of the saintliness that some MTBers claim for themselves.

Anyway back to Blacka Moor. If I see things happening in the place I value particularly and which I know better than most I see it as a veritable duty upon me to comment. If the character of the place is worth keeping and that character is being changed so that some of the better features are being lost then I speak out and do so on my own blog – my blog incidentally is my own work and while I offer hospitality to those who comment, generally I do expect them to behave as I would in someone else’s house, i.e. not abuse the host. When people come along accusing me of being opinionated and worse after others have also thrown expletives at me then you might expect a short answer and maybe to get chucked out. I object to mass commenting from people who have been set up and just have not had the decency to read carefully what I’ve written.

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