Saturday 16 October 2010

On The Case

Fear not all wildlife lovers, the law is on the job and the crime has been logged. Notebooks have come out of pockets and the incident is being taken seriously. There is a dedicated wildlife crime officer with South Yorks Police and his appearance on my doorstep yesterday morning will have had net curtains twitching all along the street. ("And they looked so respectable! Who would have thought it?)

But I wish to make it clear that should I be found at some time with a pitchfork in my back I want the officer responsible for investigating my murder to be he who is currently to be seen not far away each night at the Sheffield Crucible Theatre thinly disguised as Hamlet's step father , Claudius (and also the ghost of Hamlet's father). I'm sure he'll get his man.
He is after all more experienced in this kind of crime than most.

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