Saturday, 12 November 2011

The Beauty and the Squalor

The contrast is striking. They are out there on the natural land rarely going on the paths. Meanwhile the paths are wretchedly strewn with the waste of cattle, who always prefer the paths, leaving their mark first by weight and size of hooves eroding the soft peat, then putting the finishing touches in the way they know best.

What else can you expect from animals that have been specially bred to do just that? They are machines designed by man to convert free growing plants into huge piles of excrement and put on weight as a by-product in the form of meat for the mass market. The two go together. When you tuck into steak think for a bit of the other.

Then spare a bit more time to consider that this demonstrates the respect for land and nature that is promoted through DEFRA's and "Natural" England's approach to managing our countryside. Nowhere must be free from farm management, nowhere must be there for nature alone. And if anyone dares to disagree tempt them with farm subsidies whatever the cost to the EU budget (40% seeing as you asked) and whatever the cost to natural landscapes.

See below a picture of land in Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition.
Those who knew this land from the days before it started to attract subsidies find that very interesting.

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