Monday, 10 December 2012

More Torture from SMP

Masochists and lovers of gushing aspirational prose should enjoy this further extract from Sheffield Moors Partnership's draft Master Plan.
This part is their Strategic Outcomes for 2028. Their consultation specifically asked for responses to this. This is what it says:

In 15 years time, delivery of the Vision will enable the Sheffield Moors to be characterised by the following (in no particular order):

Theme 1 – Being Involved

1.1 People and community involvement is at the heart of all activities

People and communities are actively involved in the Sheffield Moors. Many aspects of the care and management of the landscape are delivered by volunteers, user groups, and the wider community facilitated by appropriate training programmes and other support. Stakeholder forums provide regular and on-going opportunities for people influence how the landscape is cared for and managed, whilst land managers such as farmers are committed to achieving the vision alongside and as part of their economic activities.

1.2 High quality visitor experience

Visitors explore, enjoy and learn about the natural and historic environment, gaining a range of health benefits and a sense of well-being from the landscape and through a variety of experiences, from the wild moorland of areas like Stanage Edge, to the more formally managed like Longshaw.

Fixed interpretation and other signage is focused at key entrances and gateways into the area. Exciting and innovative methods are used wherever appropriate, minimising visual intrusion in the wider landscape.

1.3 Inspiring activities and engagement

A co-ordinated programme of inspiring and innovative" .................... and so on, and on, and on.....

Anyone inspired to read (innovatively of course) the rest of the Strategic Outcomes section of the document can access it here.


FoBM's carefully considered response is below the consultation form's question.

  3. What do you like about the Strategic Outcomes proposed in the masterplan?

It’s difficult to find something to like. All is designed to lead to more management and more management jobs. There’s also too much forced, breathless and misleading language more appropriate for a sales brochure. Get rid of the sales clichés and woolly undefined, often subjective terms that give very little idea to the reader but deliver carte blanche to the managers to interpret in their own way.

Holistic landscape.
Historic and characterful
Inspiring and innovative
Exciting and innovative
Integrated and sustainable
Sympathetic signage
Cultural heritage
Sensitively protected
Strong sense of understanding
High quality habitats
Favourable condition
Sense of wellbeing

Economically viable
Environmentally sustainable
Wild and open nature of landscape
Feeling of wilderness
Historic character
Collectively and inclusively
Aspirations of the vision

What do these mean?

The rest of the FoBM response on Strategic Outcomes can be read here.


Mark Fisher said...

Thanks. Going to add that list of nonsense from the SMP to my game of BUZZWORD BINGO for the conservation industry. The rules are very simple: you gain points every time you see a nonsense phrase in a wildlife trust magazine, press release or consultation document.

Neil said...

Mark, that's a truly iconic comment.