Sunday, 17 February 2013


Objects in the shade with muted colours are transformed by early morning sun.

More typical and  natural-looking red coats are seen in summer and autumn  after the spring moult. That moult is already beginning in some and it will only be a matter of weeks before the first antlers are dropped.

Light distortions offer new ways of seeing familiar things. The best are early in the day.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

Firstly, I'd just like to say how much I enjoy your blog. Sometimes I feel slightly sorry for you when some of your fantastic photography goes by without so much as a single comment (and I know that significant numbers check in regularly, particularly from the organisations you regularly cite ;))

I was curious as to your camera set-up, specifically what lense you use, as I'm sure a man of your gait (with dogs to boot) is not stealthy enough to get as close as you appear to your subjects?

Keep up the good work!

Neil said...

Thanks for the kind comments. Actually much of it is just a question of stealth and common sense. That and getting to know the place itself and where to be at the right time. But I have been trying to improve my equipment ( and the image qualities) over the last year or so. Most serious hobby photographers would have been very sniffy about the camera I used when I first started this blog. Recently I've been using a lens I borrowed from a relative: a Canon zoom 18-200mm. The main advantage is its adaptable general purpose quality. And as you say it can get in quite close.

Anonymous said...

Hi i think you have some wonderful photos