A green field overrun by buttercup is something to welcome yet a rape field, from a distance not that different, brings me no pleasure.
The one is a highly controlled and industrialised process and the other random and a symbol of freedom. Better still if Yellow Rattle and Vetch are among the buttercups.
But white dominates at the start of June. Along with Mayblossom and Rowan the wayside whites are everywhere. The randomness is illusory because there's a reason for most things but who cares. The Cow Parsley specialises in decorating pathsides in masses but has great individual charm.
The best of spring flowers is the happy combination of grasses and three or four different flowers. It's often human disturbance that's helped to bring this on, but not human management.
Surprise appearances increase the pleasure and there are more in Spring. Sanicle was nearly missed.
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