Monday 18 April 2016

Herd Behaviour

Snow covered much of the higher parts as the sun began to climb. Lighting effects were spectacular. All became even more picturesque as a group of stags, mostly fairly young, slowly moved across the moor.

There were ten of them and they were moving in the direction of the woodland where I could just make out a smaller group of stags partly concealed.

They had been watching the others intently without moving themselves. What followed was like a choreographed ceremony. As the approaching group came closer postures became guarded and slightly suspicious.

Then one of the stags came out to meet the leader and there was nodding and bowing and what looked like a rubbing of noses.

Not close enough to report any conversation.

The remaining stags followed the leader with one troublesome youngster being occasionally seen off by older males not prepared to put up with any nonsense.

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