Sunday, 1 May 2016

Scare and Smear

In Sheffield it's elections time.

Political parties in this city are utterly negative. Their aim is to get elected by frightening the public from voting for all the others. I support none of them but will vote for that I consider to have been most honest in campaigning.

All the council seats in this area are presently held by LibDem councillors. Wouldn't it be good to be able to say something positive about them? I've tried and can't.

The latest electioneering stunt by the LibDems is a claim that the presnt administration (Labour) plans to sell off public parks.

Well we know that Blacka Moor is a public park and was sold off, but by whom? Answer: the LibDems. I've raised the issue of selling off Burbage and Houndkirk with local councillors and LibDem leaders. They refused to even discuss it.

How can one respect these people?

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