This is high season for the little bu***rs. Living in a consumer society means we think we should be able to go into a shop and buy a simple solution to the problem. Myself I’ve found the sprays etc don’t work. Putting over your face a kind of net curtain is just too inconvenient. You can’t see properly and if you try to take a photograph you might lift it and trap several of them inside; and I prefer not to upset them. My current choice is to drape various fern leaves from my hat. I’m told this could become fashionable but the jury's still out on its effectiveness.
The very best solution is to whistle up a wind. Fresh breezes work well; otherwise just keep moving. The higher and more exposed your position the better.
Stags understand this. These have abandoned the sheltered and midge dominated spots for higher reaches which have another advantage – they can see easily what’s going on below.
There's plenty of food around too. But it must be bliss to get some peaceful sleep free from attack.
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