Sunday, 4 September 2016


A week has put a slight rosy glow on the Haws.

But this is one contest where Rowan beats its Hawthorn rival hands down.

This must be a cue for some Rowanberry Jelly making - a great success last year.

Already we've had Blackberry and Apple Pie.

And Lingonberry Preserve

Not, unfortunately, GMI Free (that stands for Guaranteed Management Intrusiveness Free) nor Organic as nobody knows what SRWT gets up to when our backs are turned.

Reminds us that years ago I put it to the SWT management that with less inflexibility and more cooperation from them the whole local community might be persuaded to engage in an annual Blacka Moor Food Fayre. Not enough farm subsidy money in it for them to even consider it.

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