Friday, 12 May 2017

Management Horrors

Somebody once said they're the managers we love to hate. I don't accept that. There's no pleasure or satisfaction in it. It's genuinely upsetting to see and experience the rotten decision making, poor policy formation and incompetence on the ground in a place we love. Worst of all is the damage they do to the cause of conservation which at its best ought to be something we can respect even if we disagree with some aspects. Sadly it's rarely even that good and here they don't even try to earn respect.

Shortly they will be bringing back cows to Blacka, a shamefully anti-wildlife practice justified by absurd dogma. They already have sheep on one section, approximately one third of the whole Blacka site; and let's be clear: farm animals have no place on land that has been set aside for nature and wildlife, that's called a 'nature reserve'. If you don't trust nature itself to determine the look of a site, to accept at least that as a default position, with maybe some rare exceptions to be publicly scrutinised, then you are simply not a wildlife conservationist; you are in fact just another farmer, possibly congratulating yourself for  avoiding some of the worst practices of intensive agriculture, but still a farmer all the same.

SWT's barbed wire horror has recently undergone minor inspection and some reinforcement leaving it looking more like a botched job than before.

 After spending enormous sums of public money on erecting a gargantuan barrier  to keep their sheep in (and I repeat no sheep should be here at all)  they still fail to plug gaps under gates, thereby allowing them to escape. This one was observed from a distance. Let's hope no lamb was with it as people walk dogs in this area.

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