Saturday 18 August 2007

A Compromised View

What should be a splendid view is made less so by two blights. One is the power line striding remorselessly across the heather. Which people I wonder have this excresence on their consciences?

The other, more noticeable when you're there than in the picture, is the firebreak. It creates an ugly and an inappropriate rectangle in the middle of the view. I fail to see the point of this. If fire comes then it will be very sad of course but 1) I can't believe that much difference will be made by this, and 2) fire is part of nature and will lead to a different kind of renewal in time.

The firebreak below, made by a cutter pulled by a tractor, had denuded the rectangle of heather and what has come up afterwards is a tremendous quantity of birch, leading to more decisions being needed about how to manage. It should have been left alone.


UP said...

Ah yes, but a fire might intrude on our way of life. Every year here in the USA we spend enormous amounts of money fighting nature in the form of fires, floods, and hurricanes, that threaten the house of those rich enough to build where they have no business putting there houses. As a result the rest of us have to pay higher insurance and can't enjoy those parts of nature. I want to say more, but it isn't coming out right and I don't want to go on a rant. I hope you get my meaning.

UP said...

I am sorry about the grammar in the preceding post. I guess I was in too much of a hurry.

Anonymous said...

You're right, everything has consequences and in one way or another even a fire on Blacka Moor would affect the lives of people. But the firebreaks here are there to protect the (unnatural) vegetation against burning that's not in the management plan! In other parts of the heather moorland burning is IN the management plan. Yet they call this place 'wild'!