Monday 16 June 2008


A selection of points from the Thursday RAG meeting:

1 The recent work done to sections of the bridleways: SWT said this was done by the council and funded from the budget of the Public Rights of Way Department. Concerns focused on the use of crushed housebricks urbanising the fabric of the tracks, the fact that some parts have now been 'repaired three times at least over the last five years, each time widening the tracks approaching the repairs and leaving it looking more suitable for a public road than the informal route it used to be.

2 The cutting of large numbers of trees. SWT were sensitive about this and gave mixed signals about how many were to be cut. The trees in question are those in this picture from 23rd May. Deer often use these to retire into after browsing the open spaces. SWT's man said that when birch grew over the heather the heather was shaded out and bracken growth was encouraged. This is nonsense. Birch and other trees shade out the bracken which likes full light to thrive. When bracken is a serious coloniser it's often recommended to let tree growth control it. Below is a picture of land under birches on Blacka. Everywhere around is bracken just visible beyond the trees, while underneath the ground is clear.

3 Spraying of bracken with herbicide. This has already been referred to here.

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