Sunday, 3 August 2008

A Charity, Little Hope and Blind Faith

But what about Truth? A charity manages Blacka Moor but its reputation among those who know them is by no means benign. It is now just over a year since Sheffield Wildlife Trust in a spirit not of charity nor of honesty decided quite cynically to discredit and defame a group of regular users of Blacka Moor. This group had refused to accept highly misleading statements already put about by SWT and had stuck with their consultation process over several years. In order to get rid of them SWT sent out email messages to councillors and MPs containing lies. It was stated that these people had been aggressive and insulting and had disrupted a meeting leading SWT to invoke the police. There was not the merest shadow of truth in this. Blacka Blogger's name was at the top of the list of those defamed in this way. Since July last year I tried repeatedly to get SWT to apologise for this and finally it's Director (now called Chief Executive) apologised to me at a council meeting in April. But there has still been no indication forthcoming about how this can be referred to a complaints procedure nor any apology or retraction for the others who were defamed. These people have joined the long list of those who have tried to engage in SWT's "consultation" and given up hope in disgust leaving a rump of "consultees" who are members of SWT and unlikely to express an opinion of their own. This rump is the only element with any faith that Blacka is benefitting under SWT's management.

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