Wednesday 27 August 2008

Random Notes

Certain things are only seen in years when the weather is just right at the appropriate time. Rain washes birch seeds away as soon as they fall making the patterns more of a surprise when they settle on a dry path.

The path going up from the stepping stones has ferns to right and left largely untouched by the cool nights that have affected them higher up around Blacka Hill. Bracken, of course, still grows under trees in the woods but is nowhere near as dense and vigorous even if the occasional plant becomes quite tall. But most of these are Buckler Fern:
Buckler Fern is both a more attractive fern plus a less invasive presence. The path winds satisfyingly with patches of heather and bilberry where the light gets through to the floor near the path and even some late flowering Dog's Mercury.
Towards the top the wind delivers a sudden waft of perfume as seductive as honeysuckle, but it's no longer Spring and very few flowers are around. The surprise was that it came from the humble Creeping Thistle, not only fragrant but managing to stand up tall amid the supporting vegetation.

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