Thursday, 14 October 2010


This is a copy of the text of SWT's leaflet which you can find in various green boxes around Blacka. By clicking on it you can get a bigger picture. You will be able to see that there is not even a passing reference to deer or even any wild mammal. Yet very common birds like pipits and chiff chaffs are mentioned and some of the common vegetation. If I'm the only one who thinks this is odd or that it says something about SWT then I'll stand in the bog for 5 minutes with water and mud over my boots. See comment from Nigel under previous post.


Mark Fisher said...

I am fascinated by this concept of a "balanced view" that Nigel suggests he is maintaining about Blacka. How balanced was the decision by the conservation industry - of which SWT is part - to unilaterally decide that the important feature of Blacka was not the ecological restoration that had occurred over the 75 year break from grazing, but the depauperate state it had been when the land had been a grouse moor.

Thus when Blacka was tagged on to the Eastern Peak District Moors SSSI - because somebody drew a line that included it within a SPA - it set Blacka on a path that would enforce this view WITHOUT THERE BEING ANY BALANCE!!!

Consistent with this, we get the "one-eyed" view of SWT that the natural value of Blacka is heathland birds because that's the decision that the conservation industry has taken, and then every action on Blacka from then on is to make it suitable for those birds by turning back the clock to when it was a grouse moor.

Neil said...

He's implying that they are the balanced ones and they are treading the responsible middle path. A well known phenomenon. Everyone sees themselves as in the middle at the point of balance even the extremist. But can we really accept that all the propaganda and publicity management from his business is only there to be an alternative to what I am saying with minimal resources? This is turning truth on its head. Orwellian 'Newspeak' again. Does Tesco's only spend on marketing for fear of the threat from the little man in the corner shop?