Monday, 5 September 2011


It seems somehow suitable that Blacka should suffer an invasion from the ballooning fraternity. Wildlife and farmlife too are among the victims of inflation in the conservation industry. As the huge intrusive thing loomed over the hillside the sheep took flight as have deer on previous occasions. Tranquillity is not a major concern of wildlife trusts unless it affects their chosen species, or their remote office work. They are too busy over promoting themselves. That is what they are good at. It brings them acceptance and accolades from those who read their self appraisals yet never visit the sites they manage. An example near the beginning in this article.

There are days when you would be better off seeking tranquillity in the supermarket car park; at least there you would not suffer the stress and frustration of having your expectations dashed. Helicopter flights, sudden roars from overhead balloons and mad shouting bikers can wreck your chances of getting some peace. But then if only those responsible would spend some of their resources in promoting the best aspects of these sites instead of those that bring in grants we might get somewhere.

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