Friday, 3 February 2012

More Minutes

The minutes of the Sheffield Moors Partnership Steering Group meeting of 2nd November can now be read at this link.
I'm told that future minutes of this Steering Group will be made available on the SMP website (just started). Whether this would have happened if we had not sent in several Freedom of Information requests I can't say. The question that's begged of course is - now demands for transparency are having to be satisfied will certain things be discussed 'off the record'? That had already been implied in previous minutes when members were reminded of the possibility of FoI requests. Some who read the news may recall GOD ( Gus O'Donnell - Government Cabinet Secretary) making this point recently.

I've asked for clarification of the situation regarding the vexed question of stakeholders referred to at the bottom of page one of the minutes. Who are the stakeholders and are some stakeholders more important than others and thus designated as 'key' stakeholders? And how does this square with the South West Community Assembly's asking that all Sheffield citizens should be considered stakeholders? I await the answer to my query with interest.

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