Thursday, 23 February 2012

The Post-It Note Challenge

The Sheffield Moors Partnership meeting last night was certainly, as anticipated here, another Post-It note exercise. As it happened I estimate that only Level One Post-It Note Writing skills were required rather than Level Three which I suggested previously. The reading was tougher, possibly Level 5 and would have challenged even those who sailed through Key Stage One SATS. This was mainly because of sheer difficulty in deciphering other people’s writing. Any idea that discussion and debate is facilitated by this kind of approach just doesn’t stand up: by the time you’ve bent down, adjusted the bifocals and worked out what others have written the proud author of the comment has tended to move on. The one time that I managed to evoke a quick response from a stranger was when I wrote just the words WILD BOAR in the largest capitals I could.

Several people said the thing was a waste of time and several others certainly thought so but were too British to say it.

My impression, subjective of course, was that the SMP people were doing their best to put on a brave face but really wished they could be somewhere else. They were the front guys for a culture of empire building and evasiveness in their respective organisations. So you feel a bit mean asking difficult questions. They can do no other. This is an observation I make increasingly these days so perhaps says much about a) me, b) the way things are in and around Sheffield and c) a feature of modern public institutions cultivating general haplessness and a blurring of accountability. (Stop the World!!)

This is not a consultation, we were told. That much we had gathered. This was a thoughts and ideas capturing exercise and a drop-in one at that. So, after a short explanation and a few questions, we were sent round to four tables with headings such as Land Management, Access and Recreation at which were the same identical set of questions: What should stay the same, what should change, etc. Once we had made our mark via the ubiquitous Post-It Note we were set free to go home.

This exercise is being carried out at two other centres during the next few weeks. After that the Steering Group would convene a meeting on April 21st billed as a follow up meeting. Will this lead to a proper consultation? Holding one’s breath is not recommended.

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