Tuesday, 23 December 2014


Nothing better sums up the attitude of SWT than an email I've received today. You would think that the role of the managers of a nature reserve would be to do all they can to protect and preserve wildlife on their property. And that being present when many people visit would be a priority.

I met the manager responsible for a discussion here yesterday and he's as pleasant and polite a person one could hope to see. I raised many things with him. One was this: isn't it odd that at bank holidays and holiday periods all the wildlife trust's staff are on leave and unobtainable thus unable to deal with any problems that may arise - not even a contact phone number? I mentioned the seriously injured deer I had found once and been unable to get any of the wildlife people even to speak to. He saw nothing odd: there's always the council (no use as it happens).

I emailed him to thank him for seeing me. An automatic message came back

I will be out of the office until Tue 6th Jan.
A phone number was given but ,if past experience  is anything to go by, nobody will be manning that over the extended holiday.

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