Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Still Wider

After several days of cold drying North East winds the surface of the public right of way across Blacka Hill has changed. It was a quagmire. It's now just soggy. It's nine years since SWT, led by Nigel Doar, brought cows onto Blacka. In 2006 this route was about 18 inches wide.

The first year cows were introduced they walked slowly along here and back each day eating the grass that grew at the path sides and of course widening the path. That continued year on year although last year that activity had declined due to the cattle finding grass elsewhere. Cows are heavy and they helped to compact the ground resulting in slow drainage. By now it's possible that people are causing more widening as they desperately move to the drier fringes to avoid the muddy areas. It's wide enough now to accommodate a fairly large truck, though it would probably need caterpillar wheels to make any progress.

It's fair to assume that SRWT will find funds from somewhere to install more large flagstones here. Few people will bother to ask why money should be provided for them to put right what they helped to cause in the first place. ........   certainly not those who loudly criticised FoBM when we argued against bringing on heavy farm animals. And this would hardly be putting things right. Such damage to the land does not get put right so easily.

"Well what would you do, apart from just making negative comments?" comes a voice from ignorant and propagandised benches.

a) stop exploiting the land with livestock grazing
b) plant some native trees along the route to replace those that were (astonishingly) removed
c) possibly start an alternative footpath nearby on drier ground avoiding this to allow some sort of recovery.
...... and many other things they will never consider.

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