Wednesday, 1 June 2016


However you define 'wild' in words and phrases there's no denying that some places feel they've left man behind and gone a way of their own whatever had happened in historical times. To a point words are irrelevant.

This part of Blacka is not perhaps pretty but it has a dignity that comes from avoidance of exploitation (aka 'management') in recent times. I can muster very little respect for the retired professional man at a recent meeting who insisted on repeating what he had previously been told by the under-educated conservation managers. "All the country's the result of management" with a hint of a sneer towards one who has been giving thought to this over many years. If you're new to speaking about these things the best you can do is shut up and listen - and certainly not just to vested interests whose incompetence you should have recognised.  "Nearly all the country's been exploited" I replied, "so time to ease off and trust nature".

Today, buttoning up against a wind from the Arctic, we felt as we might on the cliffs looking over the North Sea and I looked out expectantly for gannets and guillemots. But in this valley some shelter was provided giving relief but not brightness. The bird song was still delightful. Some sun might have raised the level a bit but it's the first of June and birds must sing.

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