The advice was to be looking south east in the hour or so before sunrise. It was a clear frosty morning and I'm fairly often out before dawn so thought I might see the touted conjunction of Mars and Jupiter. I've seen Mars often enough before and Jupiter too but this was to be special.
What went wrong I don't know. But I saw no conjunction nor even any planet. Perhaps it was the layer of cloud to the east though it was very low.
Perhaps it was Wimble Holme Hill and Sheepcrap Hill (once called Thistle Hill but now renamed) in the way. The top of Bole Hill might have been the place to stand.
But the moon was good to see. Not full but parts of the Seas of Serenity and Tranquility were visible.
And it always looks good behind winter trees.
Monday 8th
Getting up earlier was the key to seeing the conjunction. But only from the highest parts of Blacka. And photos are not effective. Still the best pictures of Jupiter are from Nasa's billion dollar Juno expedition:
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