Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Something Achieved

It was to be expected that SWT would want to publicise the removal of the power lines. I don’t wish to be mean to them, they are quite capable of being their own worst enemies. And in this case they are careful not to claim all credit for the project. But I can’t help remembering the RAG meeting when I first raised the idea of looking into the undergrounding. It was met with indifference by SWT managers and their friends until one newly appointed and senior SWT employee, seeing my disappointment and embarrassed by the attitude of the others, agreed to do what she could to raise it with CPRE. From there, between us, and chiefly with the assistance of CPRE, who were excellent once they realised the effect this would have, things went very well. Interestingly the helpful SWT person did not stay long. I always wondered why. (Two others left at about the same time).

The Gazette is an odd sort of paper. Sometimes it comes sometimes it doesn’t. It’s a distributed free offshoot of The Star and it claims to be edited to reflect local parts of Sheffield. Ours is supposed to be for Dore, Totley, Ecclesall and Nether Edge, but often I can find no news in it relevant to those districts and a few items from other parts far distant. Most of it is ads of course.

It’s always nice to see a working horse though I wonder why it was being used only where they couldn’t get a vehicle onto the moor. I would have preferred the other way round - that they only use vehicles when the horse could not cope.

To me anyway the result is as good as I could have wished. The test is when you look at the space where the power lines have been. It is inconceivable that anyone would allow this to happen again.

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