Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Driven by Money

An update has been added to the recent post Driven by Managers - the following:

Payments made to Sheffield Wildlife Trust in 2012 through Common Agricultural Policy farm grants amounted to £111,872.66
In 2013 the payments amounted to £96,191.86

Figures released by DEFRA show that in 2011 the two largest recipients of CAP monies were the National Trust which received £8.1million and RSPB which received £5.1million.

The conservation industry has built itself a reliance on CAP subsidies that the public is barely aware of. This dependency is like an addiction that's become a monster with such an appetite that it dictates everything to the extent that no alternative use of the land can even be considered. If anyone has any doubts that these charities operate as vested interests utilising immense lobbying capability just try googling  'CAP wildlife trusts'. All this lobbying is being done by people who are rarely seen on the sites they are supposed to be managing.

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