Wednesday, 26 September 2012

A Silent Prayer...

.... or a Chief Whip's rant? Of the two, which reaction is deserved by the latest awful decision of these truly awful managers?  With Lincoln still in mind we should just pray that the Philistines at the gate go away and take their grant money with them. If this is another example of stewardship then why have stewards? Here we had a piece of enchantment on Blacka. They were told about it. They knew about it and they did not care one little bit because they  don't actually like the place. If anyone doubts this they should explain why it is that they never choose to come here of their own accord. To them coming here is a duty, part of their work which they prefer to leave behind at the end of the working day. Has anyone seen these 'managers' up here during a long holiday weekend?

The shrubbery here was part of the delightful experience of entering the woodland. It was a narrow darkened evergreen corridor and when you reached the end a wonderful woodland vision suddenly revealed itself before you: however many times you came it was always a surprise and a delight. But SWT's workforce would not even have noticed it. Such things do not matter to them. Not content with laying waste the area of evergreen just inside they have now destroyed the imaginative experience of entering through the narrow green corridor. They knew about it and they were told about it so cannot plead ignorance. But even if then what defence is ignorance? If you don't have that sort of imagination what are you doing hacking away at the evergreens?

I have never understood why they could not just leave this rhododendron alone and make a line actual or virtual marking the limit beyond which no more of it would be allowed to go. They prefer making a mess and then not having a clue what to do with the distorted cast off limbs of their butchery. Another bit of mystery gone. But those who like grouse moors and treeless heathland have nevr been keen on mystery.

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