Sunday, 30 September 2012

Master Planning and the Master Race

I have to say that I've tended to dismiss arguments by those of a certain political persuasion that we have a bloated public sector. But the list below of those attending an Officer Workshop for the Sheffield Moors Partnership Masterplanning Process is changing my mind. The word that comes up again and again is the word 'manager'. This is well beyond a joke. Nobody wants anyone to be kicked out of a job but why so many managers working on more and more paperwork when the stuff done on the ground is so often derisory in its incompetence. When we need nature to be allowed to go its own way why do we need all these office workers?

No wonder that the comments of the public are so easily ignored when you can get together a group of these people with a group identity.and a shared vested interest. Bring on the revolution.

Roy Taylor Peak District Area Manager RSPB

Annabelle Kennedy South Sheffield Greenway Manager Sheffield Wildlife Trust

Roy Mosley Head of Operations Sheffield Wildlife Trust

Nicky Rivers SY Biodiversity Co-ordinator Hosted by Sheffield Wildlife Trust

Danny Udall Site Manager Eastern Moors Partnership

Rachel Bennett Project Manager Eastern Moors Partnership

Anthony Willder Business Development Manager National Trust

Rachael Mora-Bannon Volunteers Programmes Manager National Trust

Simon Wright Countryside Manager National Trust

Nick Sellwood Projects & Grants Manager (PD) National Trust

Chris Millner Senior Warden (Longshaw) National Trust

Rita Whitcomb SMP Project Officer National Trust

Ted Talbot Woodlands Manager Sheffield City Council

John Gilpin Woodlands Officer Sheffield City Council

Jenny Gerrans Learning Officer National Trust

Mick Hanson PROW Team Leader Sheffield City Council

Sam Beaton CROW Officer Sheffield City Council

Julie Westfold Ecology Unit Sheffield City Council

Richard Harris Ecology Manager Sheffield City Council

Brian Armstrong Biodiversity Officer Sheffield City Council

Tom Wild Director South Yorkshire Forest Partnership

Jenny Campbell Agri-Env Adviser Natural England

Ginny Hinton Team Leader Natural England Midland Land Management

Matt Croney Director of Living Landscapes Derbyshire Wildlife Trust

Lynne Tidmarsh Environment Officer Environment Agency

Alison Baker Sen Landscape Architect Environment Agency

Jane Chapman Head of Environment and Economy PDNPA

Judy Gould Recreation Team  PDNPA

Mike Rhodes Access Manager PDNPA

Sarah Whiteley Archaeology Team PDNPA

Rhodri Thomas Biodiversity Team PDNPA

Jon Humble Ancient Monuments Inspector English Heritage
So do these people have such a fund of wisdom, exercised from their office workspaces that they can constitute themselves as Masters of the Moors whose views are much more important than those people who walk on the land and see it regularly?

The other question here is: looking at the Sheffield Moors today and looking at this list of 32 managers, would the moors really be 32 times worse off if these people were re-deployed growing cabbages? Or 10 times, or actually worse at all? Or, I might suggest, could the appearnce start to improve? No doubt at all in the case of Blacka Moor.

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