Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Early Stirrings

Separate for the summer, they are now getting together again. This stag could be the father of the calves who are still showing clear markings.

But he's not here out of some sense of paternal duty. The group he's come into is ten hinds and calves. The stags will have been wandering the moors in groups and this one has taken an early decision to stake a claim doubtless having inside information about where they have been spending the summer.

It certainly confirms that summer such as it was is behind us. Male and female on the Alder don't have to go far for their seasonal activities. They are found on the same tree.

Our old robin now looks worn as if overcome with the stresses of bringing up a family in a difficult year. The prospect of winter cannot be welcome. And should an incomer from the continent challenge his place at the feeding station it's hard to see him putting up much of a fight.

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