Thursday, 16 July 2015

Family and Friends (and those less friendly)

There's not much around that's as pretty as a Wild Rose branch in July It's the elegant simplicity that may be its secret.

Having to avoid its thorns as it hangs down over the path is a price worth paying.

But this is pretty good too. Not surprising as Bramble belongs to the rose family.

Fragrance ensures both are blessed with plenty of friends.

In other wild flowers close relatives can be found. As Cow Parsley fades away it's the turn of the less delicate Umbellifer, Hogweed to flower. It too has friends:

But Ground Elder, much more elegant and delicate than Hogweed, is in need of friends more powerful than the local hoverflies.

Ground Elder has attracted enemies in the shape of SRWT. That's something, as a simple plant,  you don't want to do. SRWT has weapons enough to wage serious warfare: poisons, strimmers, and obdurate managers bent on applying to the letter the doctrinal mandate enshrined in its management plan.

 The removal of a patch of ground elder adjacent to Strawberry Lee Plantation is also a priority.      Section 4.2.4 page 37

Well they have to find ways of spending their time - and our money.

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