Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Feasting on the Dawn

One of the loveliest sunrises this morning. This is one of the best times of year for morning views, even better after a fresh snowfall. It's best to watch the  progress from first light to full blazing orange and gold.

Getting there is the problem. The Streets Ahead billions have transformed our street from a rough, potholed, but negotiable uphill cul-de-sac to new smooth tarmac that is treacherous whenever there's ice around. If you get to the top other roads are normal apart from having to cope with morning rush traffic, every vehicle driven by someone trying to catch up after oversleeping.

The murmurating daws were active along Ringinglow Road about half an hour before sunrise,

Snow can even flatter a refuse dump so here things can be special.

Paths through the woods with fallen trees and glows from the east making patches of exotic colour on the floor, eyes were fully satisfied.

If we could just mute the traffic noise perfection wouldn't be far away.

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