Saturday 24 May 2008

May Blossom

Everywhere at the moment and common, but rarely celebrated as it deserves. Our jaded palates tend always to seek out the novel or exotic, the latest rhododendron or newly imported perennials at the garden centre. But nothing is finer than the natural, unmanaged hawthorn spectacle all across the country now. White is at its best when it emphasises the subtle variety of the new greens and adds perspective to a distant view.

Globe shaped and separate at first, the individual flowers open into clusters revealing pink stamens.

The contrast with rowan is part of the visual treat available to walkers on Blacka today.

While the petals of rowan are no lesss white than hawthorn's the pale yellow stamens give the blossom from a distance a creamier appearance.

The hawthorn below looked oddly red, perhaps one of those hybrid red ones, but no, from close up it's clear the colouring was actually caused by frost scorching the tender leaves.

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