Tuesday 20 May 2008

Tranquillity (continued)

In this post, I bemoaned the decline in peaceful beauty in our countryside. Wondering how we got to where we are ,it struck me that much of the problem lies in the way those in authority have constantly over the years given in to the demands of "progress" and the clever arguments that have been used to justify what should be indefensible.

Once the national parks administrators, and the government, accepted that industry (and that includes industrialised farming) should have a major role in the areas it became increasingly difficult to argue against the latest technologies that these industries demand to be able to compete on an equal footing with those whose business is based elsewhere.

I'm sure that when the idea of national parks was first raised people had an idea of places with quiet lanes and calm activities. Had it been foreseen that huge heavy lorries of immense weight would one day be dominating sections of the Peak District in the way they now do, steps would have been taken to make sure it could never happen. Some will say people just get used to it. People of course get used to all sorts of undesirable things.

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