Monday 5 May 2008

New Roads Good for the Economy ?

Near the top of the bridleway

This is the new Lenny Hill Bypass just a few paces down from the Strawberry Lee Interchange by SWT's new trendy bench. Some people may mourn the loss of the previously charming natural and narrow track that used to be here before SWT came along to manage and enhance the site. They may consider that a new motorway is not called for here. But such people would be missing the point (I can almost hear SWT's Chief Executive saying). Roads are good for the economy. They provide employment for those who build them and put right the mistakes made when they were 'repaired' previously. They provide places where vehicles can be brought onto land which in previous years had to be accessed by the tiresome practice of walking. And when vehicles are used they are an excellent way of guaranteeing rough wear and tear. This in turn ensures that more work is needed in the future to resurface. Another advantage is that surplus public funds can always find projects to soak them up through the well thought out system of grants for conservation and improvement; it would not do for money in these budgets to go unused.
Further down towards the cattle gates

Finally such road bulding provides a riposte to those who worry that there are not enough places for speeding downhill racing cyclists to harrass and endanger simple old fashioned walkers and horse riders.

There are difficulties for those intent on a policy of building roads all over the previously wild and natural landscape. They mostly come down to not being able to find enough paths and tracks that are so badly eroded that it is seen to justify the expense involved. SWT came up with a commendable solution to this last year. They flooded a right of way footpath making it near unusable by installing plywood dams to enable the water to build up. They then appealed for funds to pay for setting down a new track made of flagstones.

Another job creation project suggests itself on Blacka Hill. Until last year the path here was narrow and inoffensive. Bringing their cattle onto the site enabled SWT to broaden it threefold and make it seriously swampy. Another road building project?

On Blacka Hill

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